A little bit about us

It has been a bizarre journey which has brought us to this point and I am so pleased it has brought us to such a happy place.

After many years working in Scenes of Crime in Yorkshire (which I absolutely loved) Martin’s career gave us the opportunity to move out to Malaysia and then onto Singapore. This amazing experience not only introduced us to colourful cultures and diversity but we learnt a great deal about ourselves as well.

After returning from Singapore we decided to leave the corporate world and indulge in our creative streaks by scouring the internet and local tips for unwanted, unloved furniture. Once found we would lovingly upcycle each item of furniture to become a bespoke and useful piece. We love to retain the history of the furniture, but we’re not scared of adding some flair to make a statement.

We quickly found that people loved what we were doing and so The Shed On The Left Was Born. It’s a fitting name as that’s where it all started!

We’re a husband and wife team with a joint passion for recycling unwanted, unloved items of furniture. What started as a hobby during the lockdown, quickly turned into a passion for finding old, unwanted furniture then re-cycling, re-using and re-loving them to be beautiful bespoke pieces of furniture with a history.

Meet the team


I’m an avid Huddersfield Town Football Club supporter (don’t hold that against me!) which has brought me many ups and downs over the years.

It is fair to say that working on a piece of old and unwanted piece of takes me to a happy place. Seeing the transformation take place before my eyes is a truly amazing and rewarding experience and, what started as a hobby, has quickly turned into a passion and a business. Whilst Lisa often takes the glory by adding the final finesse I am in the shed every day repairing, sanding, painting, sanding and painting again making sure every piece of furniture is finished to a high standard.


I would say I’m the creative brains behind the business, always trying to find the beauty of often unassuming everyday things. After spending many years living in Malaysia and Singapore with Martin, we have learnt to adapt but more importantly soak up diversity and difference.
When we find a piece of furniture I like to add a bit of flair, often influenced by those years in such colourful cultures.
I’m also a passionate cook and in the same way as upcycling, I like to go a little off-piste. After all, life’s all about trial and error right?

The process

Once we’ve cleaned up and taken back the years of dust and damage, we lovingly and creatively upcycle the piece of furniture to become an item that you’d be proud to have in your home.

Custom projects

Got a tired looking chest of drawers or dresser? Or have you been trying to find a special piece of furniture for your home? For us personalisation is key and by offering a bespoke or commission service we can create that special one off piece you just can’t find on the high street. We’ll work with you from the initial design concept right through to final creation in order to transform it to your individual specification and colour palette.